Paul Pitts
President & Chairman of Board
The Southern Gospel Promoters Association was organized to help, encourage and provide information to all member Concert Promoters and work as a unified body to make a greater success of the concert arena. The organization is a working and welcome part in Southern Gospel Music, along with the many other different and effective industry associations. Being a member of the SGPA will bring a greater amount of honor and respect from individuals, artists, agencies and companies and will entitle each promoter member the right to SGPA contract privileges, benefits and information. An SGPA Code of Ethics will be required and adhered to by each member promoter to insure that the association will be honorable, respectable and legal in all presentations.
The SGPA will provide an Information Center that member promoters will be able to contact to inquire, research and receive current information pertaining to Southern Gospel Music.
The SGPA will provide to all member promoters, by request only, an SGPA Contract Rider to stipulate that all provisions for any SGPA member be provided in dealing with the bookings and payments to Artists and Talent Agencies.
The SGPA will provide to its members an annual report to keep them informed and involved. Association meetings are being held during the National Quartet Convention and the Memphis Quartet Show each year. Dates and times will be announced by the President of the SGPA.
All industry publications (Singing News, etc.) have agreed to release information provided by the SGPA and to help encourage the success of the association.
Membership fee for the SGPA is $150.00 annually that allows two people per membership to attend all SGPA events. Membership fee delegates a one-year membership to be renewed each January. Funds from the membership will be used to provide mailings to all SGPA members, website expenses, showcase expenses, and other necessary expenses relative to the growth of the organization. The fee gives the member a right to all contracts, voting rights, and information of the SGPA.
SGPA Officers will be elected each year at the promoters meeting as will the inclusion of ratification of SGPA charter regulations and By-Laws.
The SGPA offers membership to any person who promotes at least two paid concerts per year, and agrees to honor and respect the Code of Ethics of the SGPA.